Hey everybody!
Recently I have kicked the job hunt up to an 11 so I haven't had much time to post anything on here. Its actually really helpful although tragic having my ps3 die. Without the distractions, I find myself getting a lot more done. So without further ado here are some random thoughts and a quote to be used in an academic paper should anyone choose to do so.
- Jurrasic Park 2 is seriously underrated
- Watch the new series Grimm and fuck Once Upon a Time
- Occupy Wall Street is interesting because it is one of the first social rights movements of the disenfrachised in this countries history to be a majority group rather than a minority.
- Hermit Crabs kinda suck as pets... Sorry, Spiderman
- I really wish they wouldn't make one click ordering avaliable through amazon on your phone. Its scarily addictive
- Fuck Kroger and everything about that job. Its served me well for 6 years but I am ready to move upwards on onwards with my life
Monday, October 31, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
#OWS and conspiracy theories
I've decided to make a return to blogging with a new 'micro-post' every day or so. Check back often as i hope to keep updating pretty regularly now.
People who believe that the US government faked the moon landing in a secret base in Nevada and through bribes, threats, and violence have managed to keep it under wraps for 50 plus years are stupid. Same goes for the 9/11 'truthers', shadow government believers, secret CIA operations, and don't even get me started with the Illuminati folks.
In order to think that the government has this amount of control and degree of precision with anything it does is ludicrous. Bureaucracy, by its nature, is inefficient and frustrating as anyone who has ever been to a staff meeting can vouch. It seems like a lot of people today, have this view of THE GOVERNMENT as some large and all powerful force over our lives. We view government as an 'Other', an outside force over us that we can complain about but are powerless to really change. This is the part where I tie in the occupy wall street movement.
The protesters like to throw around a lot of facts and statistics like these:
People who believe that the US government faked the moon landing in a secret base in Nevada and through bribes, threats, and violence have managed to keep it under wraps for 50 plus years are stupid. Same goes for the 9/11 'truthers', shadow government believers, secret CIA operations, and don't even get me started with the Illuminati folks.
In order to think that the government has this amount of control and degree of precision with anything it does is ludicrous. Bureaucracy, by its nature, is inefficient and frustrating as anyone who has ever been to a staff meeting can vouch. It seems like a lot of people today, have this view of THE GOVERNMENT as some large and all powerful force over our lives. We view government as an 'Other', an outside force over us that we can complain about but are powerless to really change. This is the part where I tie in the occupy wall street movement.
The protesters like to throw around a lot of facts and statistics like these:
A lot of people however have been criticizing the movement for having a lack of unified grievances they want addressed or not really having solutions. All valid points. I like to think of this movement, if nothing else, as a reminder that "We the people" ARE the government. The government has no power without the consent of the governed and we may not know exactly what we want the country to look like in the future, but we know we don't want corporation's interests over the people and we want to know that we have the power to speak and demand change.
This is definitely a step in the right direction. How do you view the government and what would you like to see change? Sound off in the comments
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
These thoughts for lease
I plan on keeping this post shorter than the usual, I just wanted to share what I think is a growing concern about how we receive the news now a days. With access to 24/7 live news updates and a million different blogs and opinions on every subject imaginable, an amazing feat, I fear most people have begun to lease there opinions out to certain pundits and talking heads that they happen to listen to a lot. Be it politics, policy, or pop culture I feel like instead of looking at the issue subjectively, we start with a pre-conceived notion --> find a site/news/podcast that agrees with us --> begin exclusively using that source to reinforce our opinions. Its a feedback system which makes us feel good about ourselves and solidifies that we are right in all of our views which can lead to entrenched positions and an unwillingness to compromise.
I do it too mind you. We are all guilty of it, but to be aware of it and remember to shake things up and research an issue independently every now and then isn't a bad idea. Until the hypnotoad comes to make us all obey, lets try to remember to keep an open mind and develop opinions for yourself instead of just parroting what you have heard from your favorite talking head.
I do it too mind you. We are all guilty of it, but to be aware of it and remember to shake things up and research an issue independently every now and then isn't a bad idea. Until the hypnotoad comes to make us all obey, lets try to remember to keep an open mind and develop opinions for yourself instead of just parroting what you have heard from your favorite talking head.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Heeeerrresssss Jeremy
Hey everyone! I know I haven't wrote on this for awhile but I'm going to try to get back into the habit of writing on here probably tri-weekly. Its been a really eventful past couple months with a new potential job and all the stresses of moving into a new apartment. The apartment has proved pretty amazing so far. We have a fireplace, a patio, and 24/7 hot tub access. I am a happy man. We are hoping to have everything unpacked by monday, and hopefully we can invite some people over soon to see the place and have a housewarming party.
My beautiful girlfriend and roomie, Jennifer Miller, has started her own blog where she is trying to do one green thing a week! Check it out (here)
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Weeekly Recap
I think I've found my new apartment. My and my girlfriend are moving into a one bedroom apartment over on Appian way and I'm really excited about it. They have a hot tub and our apartment has a fireplace! Not looking forward to moving though, i'm in the 'mass gathering of cardboard' phase now.
To any pc gamers out there, I bought the valve complete pack for $50 and just got access to portal 2, both left4deads, counter strike (which I never could get into), and day of defeat as well as all of half life 1 and 2 so if anyone wants to play. My steam name is sexypenguin6969...don't ask.
This morning I was exercising on my bike and I had my head to the ground, watching the cracked gray cement below me and all of a sudden they changed. They became these perfectly manicured brick tiles with a diamond pattern in the middle. I looked up and there was a house that you could tell the owners were very ocd about keeping it up. Not a blade of grass was out of place. Then it was gone and the street continued on, and at first I laughed thinking how strange you would have to be to be that obsessed about getting every detail right.
Then I thought back to this great Bruce Lee quote about the desire to exceed your level. I'm trying to get back into shape and I know its never going to be perfect but constantly striving for that goal and pushing past your own limitations is what makes life what it is. The better man is always striving for some higher goal rather than wallowing in it. Everyone has different things in life that they focus on. For some its our minds, some our bodies, some that platinum trophy (cheevos for you xbox peeps), or some its making their house a better place than the ones around it. Just a reminder that no matter what you do every day, find some way to push yourself and challenge yourself every day.
I think I've found my new apartment. My and my girlfriend are moving into a one bedroom apartment over on Appian way and I'm really excited about it. They have a hot tub and our apartment has a fireplace! Not looking forward to moving though, i'm in the 'mass gathering of cardboard' phase now.
To any pc gamers out there, I bought the valve complete pack for $50 and just got access to portal 2, both left4deads, counter strike (which I never could get into), and day of defeat as well as all of half life 1 and 2 so if anyone wants to play. My steam name is sexypenguin6969...don't ask.
This morning I was exercising on my bike and I had my head to the ground, watching the cracked gray cement below me and all of a sudden they changed. They became these perfectly manicured brick tiles with a diamond pattern in the middle. I looked up and there was a house that you could tell the owners were very ocd about keeping it up. Not a blade of grass was out of place. Then it was gone and the street continued on, and at first I laughed thinking how strange you would have to be to be that obsessed about getting every detail right.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Bookageddon Is Nigh!!
Reading has changed. Major bookstore chains such as Borders and Joseph Beth are closing down stores and filing for bankruptcy, newspaper and magazine sales are dropping faster than a priest's pants at a choir boy convention, kindle and nook online stores are selling record numbers of books, and book traditionalists have started claiming that the end of the printed book is upon us!! I'm not sure that I'm drinking that kool aid just yet.
I recently bought an e-book reader, the Nook Color, for school use and have been enjoying it ever since (although recently plants vs zombies has been taking more of my time). Recently I went on vacation, the best time for book nerds to read, and I noticed some interesting habits about how I choose to read now.
In the morning we would wake and ride our bikes to one of the local coffee places for breakfast and I would download the paper almost every morning onto my nook before we left. I loved the variety of papers I could get and it becomes much simpler to read the articles and find the sections you want rather than having to flip to the back to finish an article; then flip back to the front again to keep looking, all the while covering up your entire coffee table with the clutter that comes with digging out a specific section of the paper. I think that the time of the newspaper is at an end as people become more eco-conscious of the amount of paper wasted, the rise of internet journalism, and the technology becomes cheaper and more widespread. The bigger papers (NYT, Wall Street, even The Onion) have already started making the change as its time to adapt or die.
Books are an entirely different story. If you have ever seen my bookshelf you would know that I have always been a reader. For the past few years though, I haven't really had much time for pleasure reading. School kinda took the fun out of it honestly, but I still try to read a new book or two a year. I look at my bookshelf and I see some copies that are old and worn from the numerous reads and can smell the age on the paper. Some look almost new. Some are paperbacks, and some are textbooks. Each one is different however, and for me the tactile sensations of reading a book are something invaluable that a computer screen can't compare with. I don't know why it is that books are so important to have in their physical form compared to say dvds, which I recently sold most of my collection of after backing up their digital copies, but I think that it is something worth never losing.
The one area I think that could have the best improvement from a switch to electronic format are textbooks. Everyone that has been to college has had the experience of purchasing a 175 dollar textbook and being told that they can't sell it back at the end of the semester because a 'new edition' is coming out or else you'll get 20 bucks for it and they'll wrap it in plastic and sell if for 120. College textbook shops know they have you by the balls and they aren't afraid to twist. From what I understand, most textbook manufacturers are afraid to make the jump to digital right now as they don't understand the technology and are worried about how much profit they will lose from the re-buying cheap and selling high scheme they have going. The advantages of an electronic textbook are that other media (video, sound, games, etc.) could be integrated into the lesson plan and books could be leased out for a rental fee for a set period of time and automatically retrieved when the payment ends. I recently found out that my old high school will be getting rid of their textbook fee and switching to an ipad fee which students will be allowed to use to access their books. I think this is an interesting idea but that seems a little young for it to be of real use yet. Judging from how I used the school computers, there will probably be more pocket tanks being played than studying going on.
I'll still be downloading books, pdfs, and I'm especially excited to hear about DC comics new online strategy coming with the series' reboots this fall, but I'll take an old well read paper book in my hand any day.
Have a favorite book or story? What do you think about electronic vs paper debate? Do you think it could be more useful in some situations than others? Is it a stupid idea to give 16 years olds ipads and expect them to use them responsibly? Sound off in the comment like you got a pair!
I recently bought an e-book reader, the Nook Color, for school use and have been enjoying it ever since (although recently plants vs zombies has been taking more of my time). Recently I went on vacation, the best time for book nerds to read, and I noticed some interesting habits about how I choose to read now.
In the morning we would wake and ride our bikes to one of the local coffee places for breakfast and I would download the paper almost every morning onto my nook before we left. I loved the variety of papers I could get and it becomes much simpler to read the articles and find the sections you want rather than having to flip to the back to finish an article; then flip back to the front again to keep looking, all the while covering up your entire coffee table with the clutter that comes with digging out a specific section of the paper. I think that the time of the newspaper is at an end as people become more eco-conscious of the amount of paper wasted, the rise of internet journalism, and the technology becomes cheaper and more widespread. The bigger papers (NYT, Wall Street, even The Onion) have already started making the change as its time to adapt or die.
Books are an entirely different story. If you have ever seen my bookshelf you would know that I have always been a reader. For the past few years though, I haven't really had much time for pleasure reading. School kinda took the fun out of it honestly, but I still try to read a new book or two a year. I look at my bookshelf and I see some copies that are old and worn from the numerous reads and can smell the age on the paper. Some look almost new. Some are paperbacks, and some are textbooks. Each one is different however, and for me the tactile sensations of reading a book are something invaluable that a computer screen can't compare with. I don't know why it is that books are so important to have in their physical form compared to say dvds, which I recently sold most of my collection of after backing up their digital copies, but I think that it is something worth never losing.
The one area I think that could have the best improvement from a switch to electronic format are textbooks. Everyone that has been to college has had the experience of purchasing a 175 dollar textbook and being told that they can't sell it back at the end of the semester because a 'new edition' is coming out or else you'll get 20 bucks for it and they'll wrap it in plastic and sell if for 120. College textbook shops know they have you by the balls and they aren't afraid to twist. From what I understand, most textbook manufacturers are afraid to make the jump to digital right now as they don't understand the technology and are worried about how much profit they will lose from the re-buying cheap and selling high scheme they have going. The advantages of an electronic textbook are that other media (video, sound, games, etc.) could be integrated into the lesson plan and books could be leased out for a rental fee for a set period of time and automatically retrieved when the payment ends. I recently found out that my old high school will be getting rid of their textbook fee and switching to an ipad fee which students will be allowed to use to access their books. I think this is an interesting idea but that seems a little young for it to be of real use yet. Judging from how I used the school computers, there will probably be more pocket tanks being played than studying going on.
Cost: Your firstborn child
I did download an amazing book, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, to the kindle app on my nook over vacation and didn't complain a single time, often spending hours reading . Having an entire (and relatively cheap) library at your fingertips is an amazing achievement and technically the things is a marvel. A quick finger flick replaces stuck together pages. Autosave replaces the bookmark. I am able to search for additional information about anything I highlight at any time. When I finished Outliers, I immediately went to the island Barnes and Noble to get my hands on the weight of a book and eventually came away with a leather bound edition of the entire Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series. Added bonus, ribbon bookmark built in. I'll still be downloading books, pdfs, and I'm especially excited to hear about DC comics new online strategy coming with the series' reboots this fall, but I'll take an old well read paper book in my hand any day.
Have a favorite book or story? What do you think about electronic vs paper debate? Do you think it could be more useful in some situations than others? Is it a stupid idea to give 16 years olds ipads and expect them to use them responsibly? Sound off in the comment like you got a pair!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Japan scientist synthesizes meat from human feces - Yahoo! News
Japan scientist synthesizes meat from human feces - Yahoo! News
This was just too good to pass up. Would you try to be a turdburger?
Weekend Project: Get more out of your ps3 controller
I recently had a craving to play some older gamecube and ps2 games but didn't have either console. Unfazed, I found a good emulator online for my computer but needed a way to control the games because playing pikmin with a keyboard sucks. With a few drivers and a great open source program called motioninjoy you can use your ps3 controller to play all your favorite games and even control your computer!
Step 1:
Connect your controller to your pc via the usb charge cable. It should say installing driver software in the taskbar and the screen should look something like this
Step 1:
Connect your controller to your pc via the usb charge cable. It should say installing driver software in the taskbar and the screen should look something like this
Step 2: Installing Additional Drivers and the program
For the controller to be properly recognized with the program we are going to use there is one additional driver that needs to be installed. This is just a zip file with an .exe in it that will install the additional drivers for you.
The 32 bit version can be found here
The 64 bit version can be found here
If you aren't sure which version you need, go to Start > Control Panel > System then look for the "System Type"
Step 3: The Program
There will now be a program called DS3 tool in your start menu.
Once this is opened there will be a tab on the top of the page called driver manager. Click this and you will be taken to a page with a list of tech jargon and a check box looking something like this
Click that check box and click the load driver button. When you return to the profiles tab, your controller should appear connected! The best profile to load is the third option (PS2 w/ POV, joystick, and analog trigger) as this gives you access to both sticks, the d pad, all the buttons, and the triggers. The only thing the ps3 mode has is a beta version of the sixaxis motion control but i didn't really see the point in that.
Step 4: Test Run!
If you select the Game Controller Panel button underneath the two motor sliders on the Profiles page, you can double click on the controller that appears and this menu should pop up. Now if you press a button on the controller a corresponding light should light up. The cross in the middle should move with the joystick as well. Once everything is working its as easy as accessing your favorite emulator, configuring what you want each button to do and going to town :)
Playing Pikmin.. Like a Boss
Need any help or have any cool DIY projects, let me know in the comments.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Snapple Facts I'd Like to See
- You are getting old
- When you are snoring, you cannot be dreaming
- Every time you masturbate, god kills a kitten
- There is probably no god
- A snail can have about 25,000 teeth
- Life is short, go run in the street or something
- Nerve impulses travel as fast as 170 miles an hour through the brain
- Yuo can slitl raed wrods taht are selpled worng as lnog as tehy hvae teh croerct bgneinnig and end ltertes
- Human civilization is 5000 plus years old, you're lifespan is tiny
- Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I ain't gonna get fooled again
- A kangaroo bear has milk in its pouch
- The unexamined life isn't worth living.. the over examined life isn't really living at all
- On a random video chat website, 6 out of 7 times you will see a penis
- 37% of smart phone users are on facebook at any given time
- Its never lupus
- Donnie Darko is one of the most over rated movies of all time
- Opinions are like mitochondrial dna, everyone has them and they're mostly all the same except for some small differences
- There is an inverse ratio between the loudness of a fart and the smelliness
- You are never going to have this moment back again
- In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make
Thursday, June 16, 2011
One of my favorite board games
Short post today because I am about to have a board game night with my beautiful girlfriend, her sister, and some mutual friends. Because of the occasion I wanted to share what I think i one of the funnest party games I have, Wits and Wagers.
It takes the crazy trivia of a trivial pursuit or cranium and merges it with a fun betting system a la poker. In a nutshell, each player is given a small white board and asked a weird trivia question such as "in feet, how tall was the worlds tallest giraffe?". Everyone writes down their answers and they are arranged smallest to largest on a mat with different pay offs and everyone bets on who they think is closest. The best part about the game is the wide variety of answers and the completely retarded ones from people making wild guesses. Next to balderdash and apples to apples this is always a blast to play.
Wanna challenge me? Name a time and place in the comments and its on like King Kong!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
6 things that piss me off in Mortal Kombat
From the start let me say that Mortal Kombat is a f'ing awesome game. It breathed life into a series that desperately needed it and if you knew the hours I've spent playing this game you would know that I really like it. To put it mildly I'm also known to be an.. angry gamer sometime. I've never broken a controller like some people I know but I think I may have invented some new curse words along the way. These are 6 things I've noticed that straight up piss me off about mortal kombat.
1. No X Ray Variation
The x rays are an awesome addition to the series and are as cripplingly brutal as they should be. Seeing them for the 30th time however they start to get old. On a side note, the crazy spectrum of x ray damage between characters is crazy and its annoying when your 30% x ray is countered by shang tsung's ridiculous 58% damage bullshit! I would love to see x ray dlc where you could choose which x ray you would use from the character select screen a la Marvel vs. Capcom 3 assists.
2. 2 on 1 battles
Any of the times in story mode when it forces you to fight 2 characters with 1 life bar I knew rage was coming. The best fighting games force battles to come down to whoever gets one last punch in but when the game throws two fighters against you it becomes so unfair that you are usually forced to resort to some of the cheaper ways of fighting or many many many battles until you either get good enough or lucky enough to win.
3. Raidens flying move noise
4. Spelling everything with a k
Not kool guys, not kool.
5. Everyone who uses scorpion
One of the most badass iconic characters in the series and one of my favorites to play as. His move list is so varied and with special moves that teleport, sweep kick, projectile, and a move that homes in on where your standing on the ground he can be everywhere at once. Did I mention hes fast too? I played an online game against a friend recently and he brought out scorpion and kicked my ass but didn't win a single game with another character because he said he sucked with everyone else. Call me a sore loser if you want but scorpion is soo fast and so varied that hes a little OP in my book.
6.Online Lag
Nothing is worse than being in a heated battle online and about to lay that final punch on someone when your game lags just long enough for your opponent to block and break your neck. This isn't because my roommates are downloading porn or something upstairs either, this is a consistent problem I've had with just the mortal kombat servers in probably 70% of all my matches. Takes some of the wind out of my bloody sails in what is otherwise an awesome online system.
What do you not like about the new mortal kombat game? Agree or disagree with me? Want to challenge me to a smoke v scorpion match? Sound off in the comments!
Kicking my crack habit
This is the summer I'm trying to quit my brain crack addiction.
Being a week into my 9 am summer class and having to be up each morning I'm trying to start getting myself into a regular routine of a workout and breakfast before my class which means I have to get up at 7. I've spent so much time buying food and setting my coffee pot but after a few days of hitting snooze one too many times I've decided to quit just talking about stuff and actually try and do it! I think creating things is one of the greatest joys a person can have and I'm inspired by a group of friends who recently started an awesome film company by the name of Rotting Corpse productions and everyone I know who has a blog or is working on a pet project, and from now on I'm going to try to get out a new post every day. It might be an article or an opinion I want to share, a short review of a movie I just saw, or a how to guide to some project i'm working on. Whatever I want, and if anyone wants to comment on something they find interesting go for it!
Btdubs I'm not really addicted to crack. Just an homage to ze franks hilarious video about the nature of brain crack and 'where the fuck do ideas come from'. Enjoy :)
Being a week into my 9 am summer class and having to be up each morning I'm trying to start getting myself into a regular routine of a workout and breakfast before my class which means I have to get up at 7. I've spent so much time buying food and setting my coffee pot but after a few days of hitting snooze one too many times I've decided to quit just talking about stuff and actually try and do it! I think creating things is one of the greatest joys a person can have and I'm inspired by a group of friends who recently started an awesome film company by the name of Rotting Corpse productions and everyone I know who has a blog or is working on a pet project, and from now on I'm going to try to get out a new post every day. It might be an article or an opinion I want to share, a short review of a movie I just saw, or a how to guide to some project i'm working on. Whatever I want, and if anyone wants to comment on something they find interesting go for it!
Btdubs I'm not really addicted to crack. Just an homage to ze franks hilarious video about the nature of brain crack and 'where the fuck do ideas come from'. Enjoy :)
Friday, June 10, 2011
News of the Week!
Its been a pretty crazy week and I hope to start posting daily but for now I'll settle with a recap of all the news stories that caught my attention this week.
Scientists create densest matter ever at the LHC
Scientists at the large hadron collider in Switzerland have created a quark gluon plasma simulating the material of the universe in the first between 10–12 second and 10–6 seconds after the Big Bang. This is the heaviest material ever discovered with just one cubic centimeter weighing 40 billion tons! It just amazes me that we are little more than monkeys clinging to the side of a rock in this vast universe and we have managed to understand and replicate up to seconds before the creation of our very universe. Imagine what we will be able to do in the future as we and our technology continues to evolve.
Oooh Wii U... Killer Tofu! E3 Extravaganza!
I'm just going to run over the highlights of the big 3 and what I'm most excited about because I don't have a lot of time.
- Vita looks really cool and priced competitively
- Uncharted 3 is shaping up to be one of the best single and multiplayer experiences of the year
- Hope for the Last Guardian but the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus collection looks amazing
- I'm really jealous of the new cable system, live UFC sounds like a good idea
- Little short on the game front but I am going to find a way to play halo remake. Blood Gulch is back baby!
Wii U
This isn't a bad thing, finally going HD was smart but now that I've heard that there will only be one controller to every system and everyone else uses wiimotes a lot of the multiplayer potential is really gone.
3 Games I am getting a midnight release of..
Batman: Arkham City
Uncharted 3
Zynga predicted to announce an initial IPO sometime this week
The internet company that started the news feed cluttering facebook crack farmville and mafia wars are set to go public soon and I'm thinking about buying my first stock. Their newest game Empires and Allies I'm sure will be a big hit and I feel like now would be a good time to get in and ride that initial wave of investment.
Heard anything cool this week? Have a favorite of e3? Sound off in the comments like you got a pair!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Sony, you've done it again
Sony hacked..again
Twice in just a month? Not only was PSN down for so long, but the playstation store just not get back up and running and not without a lot of problems and unreleased content (I want my CoD maps!). I'm starting to have a hard time defending you Sony. I'm pissed that this happened after you hired three security firms to boost your security but you didn't bother to change information from jut plain text files. Now lulzsec has date of birth, gender, phone, postal address, full name, and email of over 1,000,000 Sony users. The real trouble comes when the people who use their sony password for many other sites and I recommend everyone who has done this to change your password on anything important to something more secure.
When I read the article though I saw that the motivations for these attacks amounted to nothing more than cyber-terrorism. The trouble started when Sony filed a lawsuit against a hacker with the handle geohot for allowing users to use the LInux install option to play homebrew applications and game backups on their ps3. This made enemies with a group of hackers who that in addition to the Sony hacks have confessed to hacking pbs earlier this week to censor an interview they felt was too negative about wikileaks. I don't care what someone did to you, thats censoring freedom of speech and that really angers me. People have started donating 'bitcoins', an anonymous money system that you can use to buy anything online from drugs to making untraceable donations.
Bottom line its cyber terrorism and no system is completely secure and it could happen to anyone if they wanted to try hard enough. I'm not going to be selling my ps3 anytime soon, but still sony. TWICE! Come on!
Tl;dr: Sony just got services running again and more data has been stolen by a group of hackers avenging a lawsuit. I'm pissed at everyone involved
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Couldn't sleep last night
So I changed up my desktop because I was bored. Think it looks pretty good. Launchy (the black bar in the middle of the screen) makes it easy to open programs without cluttering the desktop.
Anyways, hoping to have an article up in the next couple days on some thought on the state of our education system, a Mortal Kombat rant, and an article on the psychology of symmetry. Stay cool everybody
Anyways, hoping to have an article up in the next couple days on some thought on the state of our education system, a Mortal Kombat rant, and an article on the psychology of symmetry. Stay cool everybody
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Microreviews of the last 6 movies I've Seen
Hangover 2 - Hilarious, innapropriate, recycled
Thor - flashy but rings as hollow as thor's hammer looked
Waiting for Superman - engaging, heart breaking, and a must see documentary
Your Highness - Like pineapple express? Then stick this in your pipe and smoke it
Tales from the Hood - Velveeta cheese acting but creepily underrated horror anthology from Spike Lee
The Toxic Avenger - Troma at its finest
"The Toxic Avenger: You fat slob. Let's see if you've got any guts.
[Toxie then punches the mayor in the stomach and rips out his guts]
The Toxic Avenger: Officer O'Clancy, take care of this toxic waste."
The final frontier
I am an enormous space nerd. As a kid, I loved to look up at the sky at night, and I would want to know everything about how the Universe worked and the way it could make you feel so small. I'm no expert, but what I would call an armchair astronomer. I've read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time, could tell you about string theory, love me some Neil Degrasse Tyson, and can (mostly) find the big dipper and orion's belt.
With the success of the Mars Rover and recent headlines of asteroids, I got to thinking about our countries space program. A guy I know at work was telling me about how he and his wife got into an argument because he couldn't understand why [NASA] kept going to the moon. He thought that if we're going to go, why not go big and go beyond the Moon and Mars. He wanted big results and mostly all NASA comes back with is important but boring data. I know about the dangers of space and the enormous time effort and calculations that have to go into each launch, but I think when we will see the big leap forward in space travel is when the technology becomes cheap enough for large companies to start producing their own rockets. Think about it, when have you ever trusted the government to be creative and innovative or bold with their choices? They're reliable and mostly stable, the way governments are supposed to be run. Healthy competition urges innovation and takes the big risks that allow for those big results.
A British billionaire has already sold tickets for his first commercial flight and among the ticket holders is Paris Hilton. If the shuttle doesn't crash, yet seven of our best and brightest engineers and scientists do then I claim it as evidence for an uncaring universe. If the launch is successful, then this could prove a start for what could become the new space race but among private corporations and interests instead of global superpowers. I realize I will probably never see this happen in my lifetime, but its exciting to see the first steps being taken to make this come true.
We are going to have to move off this planet one day if we want our species to survive, we're overcrowded and we left the gas on on the stove of Earth and its only a matter of time before ourselves, a, match, or nature does it for us. There is something humbling about the thought of space that it makes distinctions such as country and race seem very small by comparison. When Neil Armstrong took that historic first step on the moon he didn't say "This is one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for AMERICA baby!", he said for mankind.
We already have the International Space Station as proof of this idea. Just look at who all worked together building it, the most interesting being the US and Russia, once bitter enemies in the very project they are now collaborating on. More importantly than superpowers teaming up however, is the connection between the increasingly disparate developed and developing nations. You need only watch a Vice documentary or turn on the TV to see civil wars, human rights abuses, and exploitation of humans across the planet. Only some 500 people have ever gazed down at earth from any great distance.
With the success of the Mars Rover and recent headlines of asteroids, I got to thinking about our countries space program. A guy I know at work was telling me about how he and his wife got into an argument because he couldn't understand why [NASA] kept going to the moon. He thought that if we're going to go, why not go big and go beyond the Moon and Mars. He wanted big results and mostly all NASA comes back with is important but boring data. I know about the dangers of space and the enormous time effort and calculations that have to go into each launch, but I think when we will see the big leap forward in space travel is when the technology becomes cheap enough for large companies to start producing their own rockets. Think about it, when have you ever trusted the government to be creative and innovative or bold with their choices? They're reliable and mostly stable, the way governments are supposed to be run. Healthy competition urges innovation and takes the big risks that allow for those big results.
A British billionaire has already sold tickets for his first commercial flight and among the ticket holders is Paris Hilton. If the shuttle doesn't crash, yet seven of our best and brightest engineers and scientists do then I claim it as evidence for an uncaring universe. If the launch is successful, then this could prove a start for what could become the new space race but among private corporations and interests instead of global superpowers. I realize I will probably never see this happen in my lifetime, but its exciting to see the first steps being taken to make this come true.
We are going to have to move off this planet one day if we want our species to survive, we're overcrowded and we left the gas on on the stove of Earth and its only a matter of time before ourselves, a, match, or nature does it for us. There is something humbling about the thought of space that it makes distinctions such as country and race seem very small by comparison. When Neil Armstrong took that historic first step on the moon he didn't say "This is one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for AMERICA baby!", he said for mankind.
We already have the International Space Station as proof of this idea. Just look at who all worked together building it, the most interesting being the US and Russia, once bitter enemies in the very project they are now collaborating on. More importantly than superpowers teaming up however, is the connection between the increasingly disparate developed and developing nations. You need only watch a Vice documentary or turn on the TV to see civil wars, human rights abuses, and exploitation of humans across the planet. Only some 500 people have ever gazed down at earth from any great distance.
This video features one of my favorite quotes of all time, in this clip from the immortal Carl Sagan's 'Pale Blue Dot', which was written after viewing an image taken from the ship Explorer 1.
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